تطوير مهارات اللغة العربية
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Why Our App Is the Best
The First Factor: The material has been meticulously prepared, and we have added essential and exclusive enhancements to make it comprehensive and focused on all aspects of the Arabic language from beginner to expert, all in one place.
The Second Factor: Each lesson is explained through videos in a simplified manner, with cartoon animals presenting the lesson accompanied by engaging animations.
The Third Factor: The material is concise, with each lesson lasting approximately ten minutes, professionally designed and directed, and supplemented with accompanying visuals.
The Fourth Factor: There is a brief quiz for each lesson to assess the student's understanding of the material.
The Fifth Factor: We have assigned a teacher to answer students' questions, available for direct interaction daily.
The Sixth Factor: We have translated the material, videos, and quizzes into English, with plans to translate them into other languages later on.
The Seventh Factor: All these factors are integrated into one vertically-oriented application, allowing for efficient studying from mobile devices
arabic teach lesson
The comprehensive application covers most Arabic language sciences, starting from letters to grammar, spelling, and morphology, in a simplified, concise, and focused manner. Each lesson has three stages for study
Level One
Level Two
Level Three
Level Four
Level Five
Level Six
Arabic Teach application is divided into six levels, and in each level, we have ten lessons, with each level distinguished by a color. I will explain the content of each level
We started with letters, parts of speech, and vowel markings, such as fatha, damma, and kasra, as well as tanween, shadda. We explained masculine and feminine forms, singular and dual, plural, demonstrative pronouns, relative pronouns, indefinite and definite nouns in a very simple manner
We then moved on to the concept of pronouns and explained the types of pronouns: explicit and implicit. We elaborated on the types of explicit pronouns, where they are divided into two types: separate pronouns and attached pronouns, including those attached to verbs only and those attached to verbs, particles, and nouns
We began by explaining the difference between the science of syntax and the science of morphology , and due to the difficulty faced by students of syntax, we innovated, with the permission of God, an easy method for them through examples that illustrate construction, grammatical analysis, and signs using markets, shops, signs, fixed merchandise, and mobile merchandise in a cartoon style
We will continue our journey with the science of syntax and delve into distinctions, exceptions, assumption and its relatives, indefinite noun  , and we explained the possessed noun in an engaging and innovative manner, distinguishing it from the attributive noun, adverb, and status. We then moved on to vocative and proceeded to derivatives
We will explain the science of rhetoric, starting with the science of expression , where we will elucidate simile, truth, metaphor, metonymy, its types, explicit and implicit personification, and then move on to the science of meanings , where we will explain the division of speech into news  and statement
We will explain spelling and the correct writing methods, where we will elaborate on the types of hamzas: hamzat al-qat', waṣl, al-mutawassiṭah, al-mutaṭarifah, al-lām ash-shamsiyyah, and al-qamariyyah. Additionally, we will cover punctuation marks, open and connected taas, and differentiate between them and the letter 'haa', numeral and countable nouns
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Video explaining the lesson
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arabic teach
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Third Stage
arabic teach
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First stage
one lvele
Written material for lesson summary
Second stage
Easy quiz for the lesson material
In case of any questions, we have assigned a teacher on Zoom platform to answer them
Arabic language education
For Assistance
Each lesson has three stages for study
arabic learn
About the application
Home \  App Overview
To download the app and enjoy the free trial
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Why Our App Is the Best
The First Factor: The material has been meticulously prepared, and we have added essential and exclusive enhancements to make it comprehensive and focused on all aspects of the Arabic language from beginner to expert, all in one place.
The Second Factor: Each lesson is explained through videos in a simplified manner, with cartoon animals presenting the lesson accompanied by engaging animations.
The Third Factor: The material is concise, with each lesson lasting approximately ten minutes, professionally designed and directed, and supplemented with accompanying visuals.
The Fourth Factor: There is a brief quiz for each lesson to assess the student's understanding of the material.
The Fifth Factor: We have assigned a teacher to answer students' questions, available for direct interaction daily.
The Sixth Factor: We have translated the material, videos, and quizzes into English, with plans to translate them into other languages later on.
The Seventh Factor: All these factors are integrated into one vertically-oriented application, allowing for efficient studying from mobile devices
arabic teach lesson
arabic learn
The comprehensive application covers most Arabic language sciences, starting from letters to grammar, spelling, and morphology, in a simplified, concise, and focused manner. Each lesson has three stages for study
 تحسين اللغة العربية
تطوير مهارات اللغة العربية
Level Two
Level One
We started with letters, parts of speech, and vowel markings, such as fatha, damma, and kasra, as well as tanween, shadda. We explained masculine and feminine forms, singular and dual, plural, demonstrative pronouns, relative pronouns, indefinite and definite nouns in a very simple manner
We then moved on to the concept of pronouns and explained the types of pronouns: explicit and implicit. We elaborated on the types of explicit pronouns, where they are divided into two types: separate pronouns and attached pronouns, including those attached to verbs only and those attached to verbs, particles, and nouns
Level Three
We began by explaining the difference between the science of syntax and the science of morphology , and due to the difficulty faced by students of syntax, we innovated, with the permission of God, an easy method for them through examples that illustrate construction, grammatical analysis, and signs using markets, shops, signs, fixed merchandise, and mobile merchandise in a cartoon style
Arabic Teach application is divided into six levels, and in each level, we have ten lessons, with each level distinguished by a color. I will explain the content of each level
دروس عربية متقدمة
دروس عربية
كيفية التحدث بالعربية
تعلم القراءة والكتابة بالعربية
كيفية التحدث بالعربية
Level Four
Level Five
Level Six
We will continue our journey with the science of syntax and delve into distinctions, exceptions, assumption and its relatives, indefinite noun  , and we explained the possessed noun in an engaging and innovative manner, distinguishing it from the attributive noun, adverb, and status. We then moved on to vocative and proceeded to derivatives
We will explain spelling and the correct writing methods, where we will elaborate on the types of hamzas: hamzat al-qat', waṣl, al-mutawassiṭah, al-mutaṭarifah, al-lām ash-shamsiyyah, and al-qamariyyah. Additionally, we will cover punctuation marks, open and connected taas, and differentiate between them and the letter 'haa', numeral and countable nouns
We will explain the science of rhetoric, starting with the science of expression , where we will elucidate simile, truth, metaphor, metonymy, its types, explicit and implicit personification, and then move on to the science of meanings , where we will explain the division of speech into news  and statement
كورسات عربية
تعلم القراءة والكتابة بالعربية
كورسات عربية
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arabic teach
arabic learn
arabic teach
arabic teach
arabic learn
arabic learn
كيفية التحدث بالعربية
First stage
Video explaining the lesson
Second stage
Third Stage
For Assistance
Each lesson has three stages for study
Written material for lesson summary
Easy quiz for the lesson material
كيفية التحدث بالعربية
In case of any questions, we have assigned a teacher on Zoom platform to answer them
معهد لتعليم اللغة العربية
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تعلم القراءة والكتابة بالعربية
دروس عربية
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مناهج تعليم اللغة العربية
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